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Programs offered at Little Horizons


Infant & Toddler Program (0 – 3 years)      ECE Leads: Amanda Lindsay / Genny Michiel

Transition (2 ½ - 3 years)     ECE Lead: Michelle Callaghan

Multi Age Program (3 years  - Preschool)     ECE Leads: Daelyn Lytle / Mindy Dobreen

Preschool Program     ECE Lead: Nancy Ciampichini

Afterschool Care/NID/Summer camp     ECE Lead: Danielle Weme




 Infant and Toddler Program; maximum 12 

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8am-5pm 

Cost $56 daily 


 30 month to school age Program; maximum 25

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8am-5pm 

Cost $50 daily 



Preschool; maximum 16

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8am-5pm 

Cost $50 daily 



Afterschool Care; maximum 24

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 3pm-5pm 

Cost $23 daily 


NID/Summer Camp; maximum 24

Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8am-5pm 

Cost $44 daily 


(ask us about filling out an ACCB form for further cost reduction)

Affordable Child Care Benefit  

ACCB is a monthly payment that helps eligible families cover the costs of childcare. It is administered by the Ministry of Children and Family Development BC Provincial Government and must be applied for with supporting documentation by the families. Once the family is approved and authorization is established, the care provider receives an authorization number and billing forms. 

Parents are responsible for paying for any care they receive while applying for subsidy. Subsidy is an income/situation based program and all families do not receive the same amount. Parents are required to pay the remaining portion of the childcare providers fees that ACCB may not cover.


Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative 

 Little Horizons has opted in to the provincial government’s fee reduction program which reduces the daily fee for all children, up to a maximum of $350.00 per month for children under 3 and $100.00 per month for children 3 to kindergarten. 

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